Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First Foods

We started Eli on cereal about a month ago! He wasn't too sure of it!

Milestones: 4 months

I cannot believe Eli is already 4 months old! His baby days are going by much quicker than Brianna's did! He had his 4 month well baby check last Wednesday (it was so nice not to be going for a sick child visit!) and he now weighs 14 lbs 11 oz and was 24 inches long. He doesn't roll over yet but since he has been so congested he hasn't really had a lot of opportunites to lay flat on his back or for tummy time because the poor thing couldn't breathe! He is way more interested in trying to sit up! He loves to play with his hands and talk! Oh, and did I mention that he LOVES to smile! I am so happy to be his Mommy!

Eli's Baby Dedication

Even though somedays are tougher than others, kids are such a blessing! Especially after you have been told that it will be very difficult to have children of your own. Eli was our ninth pregnancy and on Sunday, January 23rd we dedicated him back to the One who blessed us with such a precious little boy!

Eli with Pastor Aaron

The Family (what you can see of us!)

With the God Parents and siblings (The Phillips)!

Winter Yuckies!

Boy have we had quite the winter! Poor Eli has had cold after cold after cold for the past two months! Plus an ear infection! This is why I haven't had time to post anything lately! Sick kids = a lot of extra time! Here is a pic of my little man receiving a breathing treatment.

Hopefully since spring is here all the yuckies are over!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Insights from a 3 yr old!

I told you Brie would offer some more views on having a baby in the house and the vast majority of them seem to be centered around nursing! She has completely forgotten that hers "are too small" and the other day when she over heard me telling Bobby that Eli would need to eat soon, she pulled up her shirt and said, "He can eat off mine!" Haha!
Also, one day we were upstairs and she was playing with a baby doll while I was doing laundry and she began to "nurse" her baby. I thought it was cute and when Bobby came home from lunch I was telling him about it. He then asked her what came out of them and she very matter-of-factly told him Kool-Aid and Milk while pointing at each of her breasts! I am sure Eli would like to be getting some Kool-Aid but I only have milk!

Potty Trained!

I think I can safely say, Brianna is mostly potty trained! Yahoo! She finally started using the potty for everything a little over 2 weeks ago! She has had some accidents, and I expect her to for awhile but she knows when she has to go and can tell us...which is a major improvement from what she had been doing! I am so happy to only have 1 in diapers! Way to go, Brianna!

Milestones: 2 months

Okay, I should have posted this a few weeks ago but we have been insanely busy! Eli is growing by leaps and bound! At his appointment the 14th, Eli weighed in a whoopping 12 lbs! He was supposedly only 21 1/2 in long but I think the doctor's office may have been wrong on that! He is cooing and smiling! An overall happy baby! He also holds his head up really well and is starting to be more awake and alert! He has moved up a diaper size and is starting to wear 3/6 month clothing!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011