Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Flashback to the 80's!

This has been 80's month at church. Everything from a bible studied entitled "Watchoo Talkin' Bout Willis?" to sermons titled from songs popular in the 80's. So of course we ended it with a 80's concert. Here is a picture of me & Brianna and Hands of Praise (in the background) performing with Gabe (singing) and the "Men of Praise" who were mocking us!

6 month Photos

We had fun getting our pictures taken on Saturday! Brianna was full of smiles! Here are some of our favorites. Enjoy!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Half-Birthday, Brianna!

Brianna is 6 months old today! I really can't believe it! Time is going by so quickly. It seems just like yesterday that she was born. She had her sixth month check-up (and shots) on Wednesday. She now weights 16 lbs 11 oz and is 25 1/4 inches long. She has just moved up to a big girl car seat, so no more lugging the baby carrier around! She still won't take a bottle, so that means pretty much where ever Mommy goes Brianna goes as well. She just started to eat lunch instead of nurse, so we are eating 3 meals a day and nursing about 4 times. I still have hope for a bottle or sippy cup to fill in sometime. We are having six month & family photos taken tomorrow, so check back soon because I hope to have some posted.