Monday, June 29, 2009

Today's Test Results

I just heard from the doctor's office. My hormone levels are continuing to increase! I don't have to go back for more blood work. I have another ultrasound and appt on Tuesday, July 7th. Please continue to keep us in prayer and pray that we see a very healthy baby next week! Thanks for all of you thoughts and prayers...we really appreciate it!

Friday, June 26, 2009


I just heard from the doctor's office. They said my HCG levels have increased just not quite as much as he had hoped so they are going to repeat the test again on Monday. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Brianna's Day Out

Monday while we were at the doctor, Brianna went over to Tina & Kasey's house to play with Owen (the older boys were at summer camp). Go to Tina's blog to see how much fun the two had.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Prayers Needed

A few weeks ago, we found out we were pregnant again. It was a surprise because after the last miscarriage we wanted to wait a little bit before trying to get pregnant. We went to the doctor today to have an ultrasound. It did not go very well. The baby had a heartbeat but measured about 5 days smaller than we thought it should be. Our OB did not say much but is doing a quantitative HCG test today and Friday. He said he will call us with the results after the second test. He also is going to do another ultrasound in two weeks. We really don't know what is going on but it doesn't look really good. It is very reminiscent of our first miscarriage. I am having a really hard time right now because I just want to know one way or the other. It is awful being pregnant and not be able to be excited and feel as if your life is on hold. Please pray for us and our baby. We need a miracle and we know God is capable of one but right now it is really hard to have hope in it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Animal Noises

We have been working with Brianna on her animal noises lately. She has known that a doggy goes "oof, oof" for awhile now. She also knows that a cow goes "moo." Sometimes she will even tell us that a duck goes "ack, ack." So we have been working on what sound a cat makes. I have been trying to get her to say "meow," while Bobby has been trying to get her to say what our cat actually says..."hiss." Well, much to Bobby's delight last night when we asked her what sound a cat makes she says "ssss." Maybe we need a friendlier cat?