Thursday, March 19, 2009

First Taste of Preschool

On Tuesday mornings Brianna & I have been going to a women's bible study at church. She does pretty good for the most part. She does get fussy towards the end but she is only 15 months old and I bet it is hard to be good for a hour and a half at that age! This Tuesday, Tina, our dear friend and Brianna's God-mother, who teaches preschool at our church, decided to come and get her. She got to experience preschool for a little over an hour. Tina brought her back with her first school craft. Here is a picture of it.

Needless to say I was proud and sad at the same time. I didn't expect her to "go to school" for a few more years! This is definitely a piece of art that I will have to keep!

First Black Eye

Last Tuesday, I put Brianna down for her nap after we got back from Evansville. She was asleep until I laid her down. As soon as I did, she woke up! After trying to get her to go back to sleep I laid her down hoping she would go to sleep on her own. Well she fussed for a little bit then started talking so I just left her alone. After a little bit, I heard a loud THUMP and then screams. I went in and saw that her right eye was red and sure enough it ended up bruising!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

You can have your cake...

...and eat it too! That is if you are a baby! This is from Valentine's Day and I thought it was too cute to not share.


Please, do not call child services! I promise she crawled in there on her own! This has been her favorite place the last few days. Sometimes the dog is even in there with her!

15 month check-up

I cannot believe that my baby girl that I waited so long for is already 15 months old! She is completely weaned and we are talking about potty training! Everyone told me to enjoy these early years because they would go by quickly and now I completely understand what they meant! I was soooo tired when Brianna was a newborn and frustrated because all she wanted to do was nurse that I didn't really enjoy it. Sure, there were moments I would enjoy, like cuddling up with her to take a nap, but I did not really enjoy the whole experience. I wish I had those days back! Okay, realistically, I do appreciate my darling 15 month old, she does have different endearing things she does now, but I really wish I had taken everyone seriously when they told me to enjoy those early days...especially since she is such a blessing and I can only hope and pray that I will experience such a blessing again.
On Thursday, Brianna had her check-up. She now weighs 22 lbs 3 oz (25th to 50th%) and 30 1/4 inches long (50th%). Her doctor said she is doing well and we can expect her to be picking up on a lot more things.