Saturday, January 31, 2009


Thankfully, our power came back on yesterday afternoon and by the time we came home from doing laundry at my in-laws it was nice and warm throughout the house. And when we checked the mail we found $80 worth of reimbursement checks from our insurance from payments made above our deductible...yea!!!
Unfortunately all the good times ended this morning when we decided to go have lunch and get out of the house for a little bit. I happened to notice a dark spot in our ceiling. It turns out we have some sort of leak. Bobby is cutting the wall behind our shower as we speak. It is disturbing to hear your drywall being torn apart. We are hoping we don't have to turn our water off completely.
On the other hand, we thought Brianna was feeling better. After discovering our leak appeared to have worsened while we were gone I went to change Brianna's diaper and discovered she still has diarrhea! So I ended up changing all of her clothes. A little bit later (like 10 minutes or so) she walks up to me and I could tell she had another diarrhea episode and this time it came completely out of the diaper and onto the floor! So it looks highly unlikely that we will be going to church tomorrow...I already told my lead teacher that I will not be there. It also means that we are probably going to miss our brother-in-law's birthday as well.
Bobby just told me that it is the drain in the bathtub that is leaking. A few weeks ago our shower caddy broke and ended up slamming into the drain. I guess it just took a little bit for it to actually leak. The good news is that we should probably be able to fix it ourselves. The bad news is that now we have a big hole in our bedroom wall.
Here is hoping that Brianna get better, that we can fix the tub drain and the wall and that we don't get the bad weather they are predicting for next week! Oh, and that our power stays on!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Winter Storm: Day 4

...and day three without power. Our power went out at about 2 am Wednesday morning. We are very fortunate in that Bobby got a generator for Christmas. I am able to blog because of this generator. So Wednesday morning Bobby went to town and got a couple of heaters for us. Right now, I am in bed enjoying the only warm room in our is currently 67 degrees. If you walk out of our room to say, use the bathroom it is quite a shock. The rest of the house is about 50 degrees. We went to my parents house to take showers yesterday. They don't have power either but they have a natural gas water heater. It was very nice to feel clean!
Brianna seems to be feeling okay. She has not vomited since Wednesday morning but has had diarrhea. Today, we are going to go to Bobby's parents house (they have power) and do some laundry since she is almost out of clothes.
I am really hoping that our power gets restored VERY soon!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Little Sickie

Well, Bobby & I wake up this morning and found out he was not going to work today. So he crawled back in bed and we enjoyed some quiet time while Brianna, who normally wakes up at the time as us, was sleeping unusually late. I thought that she must of played really hard at Tina & Kasey's yesterday. She woke up a little after seven and I went to get her...I thought she smelled a little funny. I noticed later that her blankie was damp...a little too damp for just drool. I went into her room and saw that at some point last night, she threw-up. Before you wonder why I didn't notice it earlier it was still kinda dark in her room and I did not have my glasses on. She seemed fine so we thought maybe she just ate something that didn't agree with her. Well, that theory last until about 2 o'clock when she preceeded to vomit twice in the hour. She ate dinner and seems to be doing better now so we will just wait and see!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ear-ache or Teething?

Well, Brianna has a cold...again. I thought it had gone away, and maybe it had and this is a new one. She has been fussy and had a runny nose. Today she woke up from her nap fussy, which is quite unusual for her. After a few minutes she started screaming...for twenty minutes. Thinking she might have a ear infection (since this is her main normal symptom) I called the doctor and scheduled an after hours appt. We go to the doctor and her ears are fine...but she did have a new tooth! Granted I cannot find this tooth but the doctor said it was there. Oh well, better safe than sorry! Doctor's visit: $20. Peace of Mind: Priceless!

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Sign of the Times

This used to be our office. Complete with a large desk where everything was neatly organized and in one place. I could sit and pay our bills and balance the check book without ever having to move.

Now it is Brianna's playroom. It is amazing how much room little kids toys take up. Since her bedroom is not very big we cannot store most of her toys in it. Plus since it is upstairs she is not in it very much except to sleep. We realized around her birthday that we were going to have to do something to accomodate all of her toys and this was the easiest/cheapest solution. We bought a bookcase and a laptop for our new "office" which is now located in our living room. It works out pretty well.
The picture below is Brianna's, oh, I mean Bobby's, beanbag chair. It used to have a manly brown upholestry cover on it. I made it for him last year for Christmas. Well, when it got moved into the playroom I decided it needed to be more colorful so I bought some more fabric and made a new cover for it. I think it turned out pretty good.

Don't worry Bobby, your cover is under the new one and I promise that one day you will get it back...although you will probably always have to share!
It's funny how having a child changes things!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Getting back into the Swing of things...

Well, the Holiday season has come and gone and now it is time to get back to a normal routine. Bobby normally backs up the rest of his vacation from the end of the year so this year he was off for two weeks! It was really nice having him home and I know he really enjoyed all the time with Brianna. I really enjoyed having all that time without being the soul person responsible for Brianna! With that in mind it has been kinda weird this week with it being just the two of us. I kinda enjoy having her all to myself again but I miss Bobby being home all the time. What was really nice is that while Bobby was home Brianna cut 4 new teeth, for a grand total of six teeth! So I did not have to endure her fussiness all by myself!!!
Bobby & I are doing the 10 day Daniel fast with our church. He is doing a much better job at it than I am. He did 2 days water only to start off with. I went straight to the fruit & veggies part...if I don't eat I get super shaky...I guess it is low blood sugar or something but I have always been that way. We started a little early so we could eat with our family on my Brother-in-law's birthday Sunday so today is day 7 for us. He has stuck to his guns and has only eaten what is on the Daniel fast. I however, ended up eating a cheeseburger on Tuesday. I was just so weak and shaky on Tuesday that I had NO energy to do ANYTHING...including take care of Brianna. After eating I do feel much better and as soon as I finished I was back to normal Daniel fast foods. I feel bad for not making it the full 10 days but since I am a meat & potatoes kind of girl and a carb-aholic I am pretty proud of myself for making it that far. I am hoping to make it to lunch on Sunday before ending my fast.
What is funny though is that for those of you who know me pretty well know that I do not really care for cheese. I have gotten better about it eating on many things that I normally would not such as an occasional cheeseburger. But I am actually wanting cheese! I would love to be able to have some cheese to put on a pizza! Oh well, just a few more days and I can have all the cheese, meat and bread I can stand!