Monday, January 18, 2010

Too Busy!

That would describe our lives the last few months! Oh, and sick too! I think Bobby has been to the doctor three times since around Thanksgiving! And I have been twice in about the past month! Anyway, I subbed at our church's pre-school for my dear friend Tina who was on maternity leave and who happen to have her little girl, Lucy Claire, on Brianna's birthday! I want to express a huge amount of admiration to all the working moms out there! I only subbed three mornings a week and felt like there was never enough time to get everything done! I really enjoyed the experience and I do miss the kids but I am so glad to be back to my normal schedule!
Brianna had an awesome 2nd birthday! We threw her a Dora themed birthday party and she got a lot of presents. Daddy was off on her actual birthday so we took her to Build-A-Bear for the first time then out to lunch at every kids favorite place to eat McDonald's. Then there was Thanksgiving and of course the whole holiday rush.
Christmas was awesome! Brianna really got into opening presents this year! Maybe a little too much because she kept asking for more! Again, she got way too much! She helped Mommy bake Christmas cookies this year too! Now every time I need to mix anything she wants to help! Bobby was also off during the Christmas break so we got lots of family time in!
We had our first snowfall that Brianna was able to play in. Unfortunately, although she thought it was "pretty" she didn't want to play or walk in it for that matter! Oh well, one day she will love it! We also took her to see her first movie this weekend, The Princess Frog and she loved it! She wanted to go back in and watch it again after the movie was over! I told her we will buy it for her when it comes out on DVD.
We also started potty training around Christmas. She is doing pretty well! She goes most days without having any accidents but she refuses to go poopy in the potty! We are working really hard on this but I know it will happen when she is ready.
Anyway, I just wanted to update the blog! I know it has been awhile since I last posted. I hope to post some pics soon, but it may be awhile!