Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Present

This morning Brianna woke up and asked Daddy where her present was. We were both a little puzzled so Bobby asked, "What present?" She said, "My baby present." We thought maybe she was thinking about a present for the baby or maybe she had dreamed about Daddy getting her a present. We asked her again, "What baby present?" She said, "The baby in the potty present with the Mommy." With that the lights turned on for me and I asked her, "Do you mean the Barbie doll we saw at Wal-Mart yesterday with the little girl on the potty?" She said, "Yes."
As a reward for being good in the grocery store we let her look at toys after we finish shopping. Yesterday we looked at Barbie's and there was a Babysitting Barbie that she was fascinated with. I guess she liked it so much that she dreamed we got it for her as a present!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Conversations with Brianna

Brianna has become very talkative lately. Here are a couple of examples of conversations we have had.

Between Brianna and Mommy:
Brianna: "Mommy get that at Wal-Mart?"
Mommy: "Yes"
Brianna:"Did you pay for it?"
Mommy: "Yes"

We have this conversation several times a week. I don't know why she continuously asks me if I paid for it...

Between Brianna and Daddy:
Brianna: "It's not a baby brother in Mommy's belly, it's a baby sister!"

One of them is going to be upset!