Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New blog design to come

...because pink isn't going to work anymore! We found out yesterday that Brianna is going to get a baby brother! We are going to name him Elijah Robert and call him Eli. He looked great yesterday and was very active (I already knew that though!). He weighed 11 oz and is already in the 76th percentile! My OB told me to be prepared for another big baby! His nuchal fold measurement was a bit high (6.3mm while the acceptable range is between 5 and 6 mm) but the doctor is not really concerned because everything else looked great. He does want to do a repeat ultrasound for a recheck of this measurement at my next appointment in 5 weeks so just pray that everything checks out okay. We are not worried because we have been praying for healthy child and believe that is what He is going to give us! I will post pics soon and hopefully in the near future have a redesigned blog that is gender neutral!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Baby Update

Okay, just to start our last appointment was over two weeks ago. Sorry it has taken so long to update everyone but we have been incredibly busy! So, yes the baby is fine. It's heart rate was 170 which is quite a bit higher than what Brianna's was at that point. My doctor also asked me if we had already had an ultrasound. I said, "Yes, we have had two." He then went on to ask if they only found one baby each time. I told him yes and not to scare me like that! Evidently I really "bloomed up" quite a bit since my last visit. Anyway, this baby is a lot more active than Brianna was so I am greatly enjoying all the little bumps and kicks I am feeling and can't wait until Bobby and Brianna can feel them too! Our next appointment is Monday and we are hoping to find out if we need to buy pink or blue this time! I will keep you updated!