Thursday, August 28, 2008

Spoiled by Daddy!

Yesterday Bobby had a conference in Indy. While we were doing the adoption we discovered Edinburgh, so when he drove by it yesterday he called and asked if I wanted him to stop on the way back and get anything. I said, "Sure, you can stop at the Carter's outlet" which happens to be one of my favorite brands of baby clothing. He called before he got there yesterday afternoon and asked what she needed. I told him that she doesn't have any dresses for the fall, she still needs a few pajamas in the next size and she could probably use a few rompers for the fall also. He calls me again while in the store and asks about a specific dress. I am thinking this whole time he is going to come home with a few things. This is what he comes home with: 4 rompers, 3 outfits, 2 pajamas, 2 dresses and 1 shirt. He spent over $100.00! I will admit that he did find some good deals, all but one item was at least 50% off, but if I would have done that I would have been in tons of trouble and probably would not be allowed to go shopping ever again! What can I say, Bobby really loves his little girl!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Attention Snake Lovers!

I know you are out there! Evidently, if you like snakes you need to come to my house. If you are like me and don't like them...even a little bit, you would be considering myself! If you remember, I posted earlier this summer about 2 snakes basking near my front door. Well, today after I returned from eating lunch with my sis-in-law, Cassy, and nephew, Cameron, I was getting ready to come into the house and noticed something in the landscaping. I looked a little closer and realized it was a snake, and it's head was on the front porch preventing me from getting into the house! Luckily, I had a key to the back door so I walked around the house, fortunately not running into any more snakes! We have lived here for 5 years now and have never seen so many snakes this close to the house! Any one interested in moving?!?!
P.S. Sorry no pictures this time...the camera was in the house!

Monday, August 25, 2008

One Month?!?!?!

I can't believe it has been a month since I posted! We have been busy. We were double-whammied this month. Brianna had bronchitis and I had a sinus infection at the same time! I can't complain though. It was the first time Brianna has really been sick and I haven't had a sinus infection in about 2 years (I used to get a few a year before getting treated for allergies!). Since Brianna started crawling I can't seem to get much done during the day and at night I am too tired. She is finally napping well. She will take a morning and afternoon nap now, each about 1.5 hrs long. This gives me time to get some stuff done. Although, she has started waking up in the night again so most afternoons I am napping myself. Tina & Kasey's youngest, Owen, is now coming over on Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings while she teaches pre-school. He is a big help with Brianna & she really adores him. I can't think of much else that is going on. It has just been a busy month!

9 months

I can't believe it! Brianna is 9 months old already! The time sure is flying by! A few weeks ago I came downstairs crying after putting Brianna to bed and Bobby asked my what was wrong. I told him she is getting too big! She doesn't want to cuddle anymore. And I know that before I know what hits me, she won't want to nurse either. I have joked with Bobby, telling him that it took us seven years to get her, it would be nice if she stayed little that long also. Not that I want her to be a newborn again, nursing around the clock, but if she would stay this age for awhile I wouldn't mind!
I took her for her check-up on Thursday. She weighed 18 lbs (43 percentile) and was 27 in long (41 percentile). The doctor said that everything looks good and she is growing well.
Check back sometime next week. I should have some nine month photos posted. We were supposed to have them taken on Saturday, but she got a boo-boo under her eye so we rescheduled! Hopefully no more scratches so we can have them taken this weekend!