Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Random Thoughts & Musings

Yesterday as I was doing my daily bible reading I realized that if I lived in Old Testament times I would have spent most of my life in isolation or running around yelling "Unclean!" with a shaved head. Yes, I am in the very riveting book of Leviticus! Most of you know that I have a bad case of acne. I even take an oral antibiotic and a topical antibiotic and I still have regular outbreaks, but I will admit they are not as bad as they used to be. Just another reason to be thankful that Jesus came with a new set of laws to follow.
Another thing that comes to mind is my "angel" of a daughter. Do all toddlers come programed on how to drive their Mommy crazy? I told Bobby this evening as I was getting ready to go to the Abba Clinic to help that I might not come back...and at the time I think I was serious!
Today during my Bible Study on Esther, the teacher, Beth Moore, talked about having to schedule time for a meltdown. With the way things are going I think I may need to schedule one very soon!
On a more serious and joyful note, Brianna is now officially 15 months old. She has her check-up on Thursday so I will update her blog then.
Can anyone tell how scattered brain I have become lately!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Learning to Talk

Brianna has a good list of words she can say. She started talking before her first birthday by saying "dog" or "oof". I have come to the conclusion that we will probably always have a dog since she seems to love Lady so much. Her favorite thing to do now is to tell Lady to "sit" although it often sounds like she is saying something else that a young lady should never say! She won my heart the other day by saying "shoes," I have a girly girl on my hands (at least for now)! Hopefully she will like shopping and doing other girly things as well! She likes to say "hiie" to everyone. It is so cute how she draws it out and emphasizes the "e." "Dad-dee" is her favorite person (besides maybe Owen). The other day he was outside and walked past the window and she called out to him. I guess she sees me so much that she doesn't think she needs to know my name. We walk downstairs in the morning and she is already saying "kiddy-cat." Again, I think we are stuck with indoor animals for quite awhile.
The only things she seems not to say is more, drink, up and other words along those lines. My sister-in-law seems to think I should start making her ask for her drink and such. I don't know. When I try this she screams and cries. She ends up so upset that it takes her quite awhile to calm down. I know she needs to learn, but at what age do you make them ask you for things? I don't want a spoiled baby that grunts and points for everything, but if she is not at the age where she should be asking for things then I don't want to push it. I tried looking this up online and in some books but found nothing that really said anything about this topic. She goes to the doctor for her 15 month check-up in a few weeks so I guess I will ask him.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feeling Better

It seems that Brianna is better. It has almost been 48 hours since she last showed any signs of being sick. Her last bout of diarrhea was late in the morning on Monday. She is still a little clingy and Mommy is getting stir crazy! I have not been out of the house since Sunday and since it is soooo cold today I don't plan on going anywhere but church. I need a break! I will have to get out in the next few days because we are almost out of diapers! I hope to resume a normal schedule real soon!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Still Sick

Well, after over 24 hours of being symptom free and a big sigh of relief from Mom & Dad, Brianna started showing symptoms of being sick again. Her last bout of diarrhea was Saturday afternoon and we had already decided to stay home from church just to be safe. Sunday morning she had an almost normal dirty diaper and we were getting excited. Since she seemed to be doing better we went to have lunch with Bobby's family for Ben's birthday (our brother-in-law). We kept the kiddos apart just to be safe. After lunch since she seemed to be doing so well and it had been over 24 hours since she showed any symptoms of being sick we went back to Michelle & Ben's house for ice cream cake & presents figuring it should be okay for the kids to play together (I discussed this with their Mom first). Everything went well and we came home about 5 o'clock. Shortly after we got home we heard a loud and wet fart from Brianna. Sure enough, the diarrhea was back! This morning she vomited again for the first time since Wednesday morning. She has also had three more bouts of diarrhea. She has done okay since late this morning.
I called the doctor to see if he needed to see her since she is still sick and he said that everything I told them sounded like the stomach virus that is going around right now. He also said that this virus lasts awhile. Please pray that this virus finally runs it course and she starts feeling better soon.