Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nap Time?

This is supposed to be the end of Brianna's afternoon nap. She normally naps from 1:30 to 3. I starting rocking her about 1:30 and she fell asleep after about 10 minutes. When I went to put her down in her crib, she woke up. She has been doing this more frequently but has started laying back down and going back to sleep after a few minutes. So, when she woke up this afternoon, I told her to have sweet dreams and that I would check on her shortly. So after 5 minutes, she was quiet so I went and peeked in on her. She was standing up in her crib looking towards the door! I laid her back down. I checked on her again in ten minutes (we use the Ferber technique) and she was standing playing with her mobile! After fifteen minutes, she was playing with the woodwork on her crib! After 20 minutes, she was laying down and playing with the wall. It has almost reached the 25 minute mark, and she has just got quiet...I wonder what I am going to find! Here's hoping she went to sleep!

I Have Teeth!

Well, Brianna finally cut her first two teeth last night! They have just broke the surface so you can't really see them but if you rub your finger over her gums you can feel them! I am so excited! I was beginning to wonder if she would have any teeth by her first birthday! And, the best part about it is that she slept completely through the night and did not run a fever with them!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One, Two, Three, FOUR!

Four...the number of snakes I have seen near our front door this far! This one is small and kinda cute least for a snake!

Good News!

It looks like we are not going to have to switch doctors after all! Bobby has the option to sign up for a different insurance company through work that will be accepted at all of our current doctors! We do not know when this will take effect yet so we will still probably have some out of network expenses, but I am very happy about not losing our primary care doctors! Thanks everyone!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pediatric/Physician Referrals...Help!

Okay, so yesterday when we got the mail we had three letters from Welborn Clinic, one addressed to each of us. I am thinking they are doing some sort of trial and they are informing us about it...not too unusual. Upon reading the letter I find out that as of October 1st, our primary care doctors will no longer be covered by our insurance due to the Deaconess buyout of the clinic. They are are terminating the Sagamore Select insurance contract. So they gave us less than two weeks notice to start finding new doctors. Do they not realize that people have babies that seem to get sick once a month, or like this month, twice in one week! How do you find a pediatrician that you feel super comfortable with in less than two weeks? And Bobby has been seeing our family doctor for about 20 years! So if you know of any doctors that are accepting new patients and accept Sagamore Select insurance please let me know because unfortunately, we are in the market for new ones.

Friday, September 12, 2008

And the weaning begins!?!?

...and did I get a say so? NO! To begin with, I took Brianna to the doctor because she had a fever on Wednesday and broke out in a rash yesterday. We thought with the fever it was just her teeth since she has been having a really hard time with them the last few weeks. Then yesterday she broke out in a rash and today it was worse, so I called the doctor to have him take a look at it. It turns out that she has Hand, Foot & Mouth disease. So let me apologize right now if your child was around Brianna on Wednesday...I am sorry. She would of only been contagious while running a fever, which she was Wednesday morning, but not really in the afternoon and evening. Anyway, while we were there I asked him about an experiment I did on Labor Day... I decided to feed Brianna on demand instead of on schedule. The result...she only nursed twice...once first thing in the morning and then again during our bedtime routine. Right now, nursing & rocking is our bedtime routine. So I guess I need to be changing it soon because he said she is probably starting to self-wean! I knew that I would need to start weaning soon, but I thought I had a few months left! I can't believe my baby is growing so fast!

Monday, September 8, 2008

The end of the rainbow...

was in my front yard Thursday night.

Childhood Friends

Did you ever have a friend that you don't remember not knowing? I had two, Amie & April, they are sisters. Amie was about my age and April was about a year younger. Our parents were friends and we literally grew up together. There are pictures of us as preschoolers taking baths together. We were inseperable! They pretty much lived at our house for a few years after their parents got divorced. As we got older, we started hanging out with other people but we were still friends. We pretty much stopped talking regularly sometime in high school...but there has always been a connection between us. I found out Saturday that Amie, age 29, passed away unexpectedly sometime Friday night/Saturday morning in her sleep. I feel like part of my past has died also...there are very few memories of my early childhood that do not include these two girls in them. Please keep this family in your prayers...especially her daughter, who is about 10...I know they need them. Thank you!

Sunday, September 7, 2008